Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Was Cobb dreaming in the final sequence of Inception?

Thought of starting off the blog with a post related to a movie which, according to me, is one of the best movies to come out in the last decade. Directed by the genius Christopher Nolan, this film left me speechless by its sheer magnitude and vision. There had been films based on dreams like ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND and MULHOLLAND DRIVE (directed by another genius), but INCEPTION took the concept to an altogether different Level (literally).

I still remember that after finishing watching this film and coming out of the theater, I was tooo spellbound to even have a normal conversation for a few minutes. I tried to figure out the ending.I couldn't.Naturally it required multiple viewings. If Nolan wanted this out of his audience, he succeeded grandly.But being familiar with his style, maybe he just wanted to trick his audience and wanted them to think deeply and come up with their own theories - To each his own ending.Whatever it may be, there were several theories put forward and almost all were debunked by the director himself.


We're so hung up on details that we forget the most important aspects of our lives. And we did the same with the ending of this great story. We are so intent on figuring out the exact events that follow after Cobb returns home, that we don't notice the actual moral of all this. Cobb chooses not to question his reality- he lets go and embraces his children, he chooses happiness.

But, if I HAVE to take a side to this debate, I have to say I have accepted the following theory ( one of the many put forward)and this is the answer to the great question.....



So, how do we find out if Cobb's dreaming in the end? When Ariadne enters Cobb's dream when he's carrying out "experiments"

Important? Very..!!
Why? Because that means, in each and every of Cobb's dreams, he should be wearing his wedding ring.

That is what will help us decipher what happens the end - not the spinning top.

1. Yusuf's dream

2. Arthur's dream

3. Eames' dream

(I know it's a bit blurry, but the ring is there)

4. Saito's Limbo

BUT a few minutes before spinning his top at his home dining table, back at the airport.

And that means it doesn't matter that we don't get to see if the top topples in the end or not.

Cobb is NOT dreaming in the end....

The mystery has been solved.Case closed from my part.

P.S - Of all the theories that were discarded by Christopher Nolan that day, he did not reject one of them- the theory that the entire movie is a dream, that we are the subjects. That the idea was planted in our minds.............

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting post indeed...I guess the idea was really planted in our minds..and probably that is the reason why we still can't stop questioning our reality.The difference between fact and fiction is blurred by the mind...and an idea is the germ that acts as a catalyst, making the subject believe what it aspires him to believe..nothing is simple, not even a simplest idea..we know it now...
